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8448 Reseda Blvd. #203 Northridge, CA 91324
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Rebuild Self-confidence and your Dignity
We offer a wide range of CBT courses to get you on the right path.
Behavioral Management Group Inc. (B.M.G.) is a private practice specializing in Focused and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is a clinically proven, highly effective treatment. Our goal in therapy is to create a relationship to establish a specific purpose, to help our clients explore current and long-standing issues to achieve predetermined goals for emotional healing, self-improvement and a positive attitude toward themselves. Clients gain support and guidance when learning how to use interpersonal skills effectively, coup with stressful situations, make decisions wisely, and become proficient at problem-solving.
Our program cannot force anyone to go against their will. It can provide facts and clarity to HELP them become productive minded individuals for a happier and successful lifestyle. We will HELP you understand why you make wrong decisions and HELP cope with adverse effects while teaching how to change your behavior.
Behavioral Management Group (B.M.G.) deals with community problems related to Theft, Anger, Abuse, Hate, Vandalism, Sex Abuse, Animal Cruelty, and Chemical dependency issues. Offenders are offered a comprehensive educational program, focusing on cognitive therapy to prevent further involvement in the criminal justice system.
Pre-trial Diversion
Propensity Testing
Alternative Sentencing
Plea Bargain Agreement
Pretrial Assessment / Evaluation
Sentencing Assessments / Evaluations
Counsel Strategy for Pre-court Appearance
Hypnosis or Clinical/Therapeutic Hypnosis, known as Hypnotherapy is a state mind over matter that brings lasting change into your life. There should be no fear when considering hypnosis; no-one can make you do anything against your will. It is an individual working with a therapist together with responses from a suggestion made by a hypnotist. Put away the funny images of stage hypnosis, Hypnosis is a very viable therapeutic approach to a mass of many problems and issues even accepted by the medical community. Hospitals and medical centers alike provide therapeutic hypnosis as a benefit by reducing pain, anxiety, and many other medical issues.
Hypnosis or Hypnotherapy is often referred to as a state of mind described as focused attention, or being in a heightened sleep-like suggestive state. While in this state, people appear to be sleepy and zoned out, but realistically they are in a state of hyper-awareness and suggestibility. The experiences of people differ from one person to another. Individuals who have been hypnotized explain a feeling of euphoria, extreme relaxation; others describe it as a sense of detachment. Then again, others remain fully aware and capable of carrying out conversations while under Hypnosis.
Hypnosis is an excepted alternative within the medical community. When a seasoned hypnotherapist (years of service backing their practice) conducts Hypnosis, you can assured you are in good hands. It is important when talking to a therapist, you feels comfortable with their personality, feel secure with what they have to say, and most of all, they have your best interest in mind.
- Hypnosis is a heightened state of focus,in which the conscious mind is in a relaxed state while the subconscious mind is best receptive to suggestions. People refer to hypnosis as a state where one can concentrate intensely while blocking out distractions.
- What is hypnosis like?Imagine being comfortably sitting in a recliner in a completely relaxed state, as you listen to individualized suggestions that are specifically based on your goals. Many of my clients describe hypnosis and hypnotherapy as a mental massage.
- Hypnosis does not involve mind control or sleep.You are in control at all times while in hypnosis. All your senses are awake and alert and you are aware of everything that is being said.
- There are no pendulums!Hypnotherapy is very different from what you may have seen on a stage show. That kind of hypnosis is for entertainment and is completely different from therapeutic hypnosis, which is done as a way of creating positive change.
Hypnosis gives you the opportunity to make changes quickly and permanently. The use of hypnosis in a therapeutic setting is a modality approved by the medical community.