Call Today (818) 718-7100
Learn how we can help you get on the RIGHT PATH!
Behavioral Management Group, Inc.
8448 Reseda Blvd. #203 Northridge, CA 91324
Phone: (818) 718-7100
Fax: (818) 477-1046
Business Hours:
Mon – Thu: 09:00 AM – 05:00 PM
Fri: 09:00 AM – 02:00 PM
Saturday & Sunday – Closed
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Client Feedback
This program has been enormously helpful because it organizes not only information but defines the emotional/behavioral/psychological factors that can affect behavior. Increased understanding leads to hope for change: and yields determination. I wish that more people had access to the information, and it saddens me to think that this program is not available to people with fewer resources than my own. I looked for groups and centers that would address this problem for a very long time, to no avail (A.A., NA, GA, and DA) and received no useful references. For this reason, I would hope that the information might effectively apply to all the levels of retailers, law enforcement agencies, the judicial system, schools, churches, and self-help groups. Many of us have a propensity for compulsive behaviors. We may benefit as soon as possible from a heightened understanding of the source and more importantly, the tools that encourage and support the permanent modification of such behaviors. I also think that once exposed to the information and resources; the offender should pursue avenues that included ongoing treatment and support. The long-term programs imposed by Court or retailer in exchange, or as a condition of probation/sentence.