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Behavioral Management Group (B.M.G.) offers pre-trial reports to assist each attorney with an assessment/evaluation of their client. The assessment includes counseling sessions, psychological risk, and needs testing and a pre-trial report.

Copulating, according to the law of nature, is a beautiful behavior of humankind. Together with the male and female, they kept humanity from extinction five times. If either species discontinues copulating our species would vanish. So humankind’s responsibility is to have children. Either species cannot take precedence over the other, because that creates a ripple in the natural order of humans. Ultimately, our species begin to look for alternatives to achieve self-satisfaction no longer considers the natural order of humankind. Different sexual preferences is completely natural as long as the natual order of species is protected.

Sex crimes are forms of human sexual behavior. When either of the species unlawfully overpowers the other, that is a sex crime. Regardless it is an act of violence or involving sex. Others are violations of social offenses, such as incest, sodomy, indecent exposure, or exhibitionism. Why? Because of our greedy, we want more and escalate our needs to the next step. 

Humankind has a free will and an instinct to flourish. Civilization history has proven that. All great civilizations had one leader, all others followed, and that tradition lives on today all around the world. So it is only logical that man has greedy tendencies and wants anything that can be taken earned or not. Therefore, humanity created rules for us to live in harmony. So living in today’s world requires a significant amount of control of our instincts. 

A sex offender is an individual convicted of a sex offense, such as sexual assault or sexual conduct with a minor. Because of the seriousness of sex offenses, many factors for the are crime considered. Therefore there are penalties for sex offenders at both the state and federal levels. In either case, there is no arguing that a sex offender will never be able to live an ordinary life in society.

Because Sex and a sex offenses is such a widely discussed behavior our program is designed to address a wide magnitude of sexual behaviors in a counseling environment. By today’s standards, it is difficult to judge an individual on their actions alone. Steps must be taken when addressing issues regarding impulse control by suggesting daily alternatives. Counseling enhances self-awareness by interacting in a safe and confidential atmosphere.The key to a successful outcome is effectively using cognitive-behavioral therophy in counseling, no less is the importance of education and use essential behavioral factors while focusing on behavioral and emotional issues with the intent to promote knowledge and a healthy alternative to their lifstyle.

CBT can help you change your behavior and live a fulfilled life.

Family & Parenting

We offer a group and private sessions for our family & parenting programs.

Research in recent years has lead to a new awareness of the impact of families and parenting. It is a fact that our families influence us; we are continually discovering that the influence is beyond what we have ever imagined.

Family & Parenting

Research in recent years has lead to a new awareness of the impact of families and parenting. It is a fact that our families influence us; we are continually discovering that the influence is beyond what we have ever imagined. The family is a dynamic social system, with structured laws, components, and rules. The most important family rules are those that determine what it means to be a human being. These rules embrace the most fundamental beliefs about raising children. What parents believe about human life and human satisfaction rules their way of raising children.

The skills used while parenting forms a child’s beliefs about themselves. Nothing could be more important in child development. Children are any culture’s most significant natural resources. The future of the world depends on our children’s beginnings and how they see themselves. All their choices depend on the view of themselves that is feed on the family structure. That means, what is happening now, will affect the child/family for the rest of their life. The question is, how much do you love them? Therefore, your behavior must be modified to find the trust and encouragement to achieve the needed for love and commitment.

Online Interactive Counseling

Behavioral Management Group is proud of the relationship and reputation we have created over the last twenty-four years. To keep up with the demand for more interactive services and maintain the status, we are known for we developed a video therapeutic online counseling service that will accommodate the needs of the Court as well as the client.

Online Interactive Counseling

Treatment online offers an essential aspect of therapy “face-to-face interactive counseling.” Our face-to-face interactive counseling is via webcam/video conferencing. Webcam/video conference counseling allows the client to interact while seeing his/her therapist; seeing each other face to face is an essential part of counseling. Each can see the different expressions, just as if they are together in the same room. The excuses for transportation, traffic, childcare, employment, and affordability are gone. You save money because you do not leave home or the conveniences of your surroundings. All that is needed is a computer, iPod, Smart Phone with wifi access and simple instructions to sign on. Like all other programs, B.M.G. will as well provide:

  • Detailed Registration with photo
  • Offense-specific Face-to-Face Interactive Counseling
  • Education Manual and Material with Testing
  • Propensity Testing
  • Progress Reports (when needed)
  • Customized Evaluation and Assessment letters (when required)
  • Certificate of Completion
  • At the discretion of the Court, Drug/Alcohol and Sex offenders are accepted by B.M.G. for in-office
    counseling, unless given written permission to attend online services.

Behavioral Management Group is proud of the relationship and reputation we have created over the last twenty-four years. To keep up with the demand for more interactive services and maintain the status, we are known for we developed a video therapeutic online counseling service that will accommodate the needs of the Court as well as the client. Therefore, in addition to on-sight counseling, Behavioral Management is offering online counseling services both to the private sector and Court-mandated offenders. Online therapy is not trying to replace traditional treatment; it does accommodate millions of people

  1. not able to afford office visits or have the ability to travel
  2. it saves money compared to conventional therapy
  3. it allows therapists and clients to chat multiple times every day when necessary
  4. There is no need for a schedule change
  5. There is no commuting
  6. The client can easily take not, send, and receive text or photos.
  7. Clients can see the body language and vocal tone to communicate with a therapist effectively
  8. Sessions can be during a lunch hour