Counseling, Alternative Sentencing & Hypnosis

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Learn how we can help you get on the RIGHT PATH!

  • Petty Theft
  • Credit Card Theft / Fraud
  • Theft Computer Crimes
  • Shoplifting / Commercial Burglary
  • Grand Auto
  • Embezzlement
  • Deception / Trickery
  • Bad Checks
  • Forgery
  • Identity Theft / Fraud
  • Burglary / Robbery / Extortion
  • Employee Theft / Fraud
  • Shoplifting Diversion Program

Theft is a term that describes the crime of taking the property of another without consent, and there are sub-categories specifically addressing the kind of theft.

What kind of individual would take something not belonging to them, and for what reason? Any blue-collar worker or professional executive is a candidate for taking something that is not theirs. Why is this true, because we all have different levels of greed and self-gratification? People who feel they are losers, look for some way to feel accomplished consequently commit a tangible or non-tangible criminal act. Everyone wants nice things. The question is how far we are willing to go. The fuel to our greed is feeling depressed, frustrated, angry, boredom, or confused. The catalyst to some problems is financial pressures that seem to be the only solution to working out life’s disappointments. Many feel they hate the world and desire to strike back.

The vast majority of individuals that enter our program know the difference between right and wrong and come from every lifestyle and occupation. It is not gender-based, age driven, professionally, or ethnically determined. They are not professional thieves; when life becomes too stressful, spontaneously they become vulnerable to temptation. In other words, we want something for nothing, thinking this will change and balance their emotional or physical instabilities. Theft in every meaning is hurtful to everyone. Most of all, it is a criminal act and punishable by law.If an individual believes they are a good person and deserve the chance to learn how to cope with stressful situations, they must take the first step by helping themselves.

  • Aggressive Behavior
  • Domestic Violence
  • Rights & Responsibilities
  • Air Rage / Road Rage
  • Endangerment
  • Stalking / Internet Stalking
  • Annoying Phone Calls / Cyber Hate
  • False Imprisonment
  • Stress Management
  • Assault / Fighting / Great Bodily Injury
  • Harassing / Bulling
  • Terrorists & Hateful Threats
  • Discharging Firearm(s) / Possession
  • Impulse Control
  • Threats & Criminal Threats
  • Disturbing the Peace
  • Resisting Arrest
  • Tolerance / Patience

Anger is a normal and healthy emotion. We all experience anger at various times during our daily lives. However, anger is subjectively experienced as a “bad” feeling and can be very uncomfortable. At times, we feel justified in our angry state of mind. Appropriate anger (that is, realistically given the situation to the degree perceived) is normal and serves as a call to action (to mobilize, to guide one’s course, and so on). However, inappropriate anger (extreme, explosive, hate or experienced as “out of control”) is likely to be a real problem for both yourself and others.

One should ask themselves, why they blow up or become extremely angry? What can be done to have better control over feelings and behavior? These questions are healthy responses and the first step in achieving the goal of anger management. We have learned ways of handling anger through observation or reactions to certain situations and stimuli. Often, maladaptive ways of handling anger in the present were once adaptive responses. However, it may be a struggle for one to shed those habitual, reflexive ways of handling anger. That is where therapy can guide and help those explosive actions. Remember, the first steps for a client are to have is a genuine desire for change. Cognitive-behavioral therapy is highly successful in assisting each to the client to manage their anger by learning more productive and successful ways of interacting and communicating.

  • Indecent Assault
  • Indecent Exposure
  • Statutory Rape
  • Inappropriate Advancements
  • Solicitation
  • Solicitors
  • Lewd Conduct
  • Offensive Acts
  • Voyeurism/Stalking
  • Prostitution, Exotic Dance
  • Sex Acts w/ Minors

Our Sexual Program takes a multifaceted stance to address issues relevant to sexual behaviors in a counseling environment. To effectively use cognitive-behavioral counseling, education material becomes an essential factor while focusing on behavioral and emotional connections with the intent to dispel myths of the disorder and to promote knowledge of healthy alternative lifestyle change.

By today’s fast pace and standards, it is difficult to judge an individual based on their actions alone and therefore, issues deeply embedded in their mind must be addressed. We can take steps in addressing issues of lack of impulse control by offering and promoting ideas for healthy alternative daily life behaviors. Our concept of counseling is to enhance each’s self-awareness by way of interaction in a safe and confidential atmosphere.

The definition of abuse is any action that intentionally harms or injures another person. In short, someone who purposefully harms another in any way is committing abuse. There are many forms of abuse experienced by adults, children, the elderly, and even animals. Such as:

  • physical abuse
  • emotional abuse
  • Neglect / Exploitation
  • Child Endangerment
  • Parenting Program
  • elder abuse
  • Anger issues
  • animal abuse
  • Elder Endangerment
  • Anger Issues / Management
  • Destruction of Property
  • Gang / Hate Issues
  • Arson
  • Environmental Crimes
  • Graffiti

Vandalism defined is the intentional destruction of personal or real property, and primarily committed by a behavior frustrated and in need of recognition, or self-gratification. Also, an insecure individual has little to no self-esteem and fool themselves into feeling important. Many can, and others cannot see that the small world that they reside in is at most a brief moment in their lives. Some realize that they are going nowhere and through maturity or merely coming to a realization change. Others make-believe their entire lives and do not change; they give up, and as those around them waste their lives.

California law distinguishes whether the offense is a misdemeanor or a felony based on the monetary value of the damage. What is important is to understand that this type of aggression is a crime. If the case goes to Court and a conviction culminates, the person’s record will be permanent and forever have a recorded offense on it.

  • Behavior Modification Format
  • Class Room Environment
  • 12, 26, 52, 104 Week Programs

Behavioral Management Group (B.M.G.) feels very strongly regarding the needs and rehabilitation of an individual addicted to alcohol and or drugs. The priority we provide to all clients who are mandated or privately enrolled in our program is our many years of experience with behavioral modification conjoin with our respect, kindness, and sincerity. Our goal is to help each gain self-respect, become accountable, and understand why it is their best interest to be a responsible citizen.

For many years working with behavioral modification, we have found that education, along with positive motivation helps an individual get well and stay well. Our concept gives no excuse to fail. Its motivation for change, respect, and support are the keys to becoming drug-free and sober. B.M.G. teaches and stimulates an
individual to reach for their dreams and goals and move on with their life to be productive, happy, and fulfilling without drugs and alcohol.

Relapse is not part of recovery. The goal of our program is to eliminate relapse. It is for those people who have completed other programs and failed to remain abstinent. Our program is for those who have tried self-help groups with no result and who no longer want to feel like outcasts. No individual should be considered an outcast they are human beings needing help, support, and want recognition. Behavioral Management believes everyone deserves that chance; our positive approach and support await anyone asking. Each program completed is a testimony to the dedication to, at the very least attempt to help them in any way we can.

  • Community Responsibility
  • Exploitation
  • Punishments
  • Endangerment
  • Neglect
  • Strategy / Discipline

While education is the key to changing attitudes toward animal violence, legislation is the only real way to ensure that everyone is accountable for the animals he or she have. Up to now, animals had no rights. That is no longer the case. Animal cruelty and abuse laws are recorded as “morality laws” to keep people on the straight and narrow. Animal advocates have battled to show legislators and voters alike the need for stricter abuse laws. Fortunately, we are now protecting animals. There are scientific studies that prove the link between animal abuse, spousal and child abuse, murder and other violent crimes and even serial killers.

Across the United States, there are laws prohibiting cruelty to animals. These laws are to protect the right of animals. The purpose laws deter violence committed by humans as well as protecting animals from mistreatment and cruelty by imposing a penalty for those acts.

John Lennon wrote a song by the title of “Imagine.” He sings of a world of neither war nor hunger. Often when hearing the lyrics, it makes one think of all the creatures in the world, “Imagine all the animals gone.” What would the world be without animals? Imagine all the animals GONE. What would the earth would we have? Well, we could not begin to imagine because we would not exist. The world would be a desolate planet, no clouds, unpredictable weather, and unbearable heat. In other words, man would not and could not exist. Of all the beautiful creatures on planet earth, domesticated dogs, horses, and cats have been the most favored and praised by man for thousands of years. These most beautiful creatures are creatures we depend on to exist, and we abused in many ways.

Progressing through this program will begin to clarify what we are providing is a concrete structure to support an individual decision-making skill. We know the decision to stop is the individual. It is essential to understand that only we can set our future goals. The facts, along with the focus of H.E.L.P., will provide the structure necessary for that change. As one moves through the program, they will address many factors that lead one to abuse or neglect any human being or animal.

  • Discipline
  • Integrity
  • Support
  • Community Responsibility
  • Tolerance
  • Role / Strategy
  • Family Responsibility
  • Texting, Cell while Driving
  • Fleeing

Why are accountability and responsibility so important? Ask a room of ten individuals what the definition of liability is, the answer will likely be ten different definitions. By definition, accountability means being answerable or responsible for one action.

Accountability might include the following elements:

  1. Taking responsibility for one’s behavior
  2. Doing what’s right consistently
  3. Demonstrating personal integrity
  4. Actively participating in activities
  5. Interaction supports the strategy of one life and or family.

Accountability is not something we “make” a person do; they have to accept and agree on it. Learning how to become reliable and accountable involves an element of discipline. More critical, purpose, and personal meaning come from taking responsibility and learning to be responsible. Holding people accountable is really about the distribution of power and choice. When people have more choice, they learn to be more responsible. When they become more accountable, they earn freedom. By being accountable, they gain trust. When they are more accountable, they understand their purpose and role within their community. They are committed to making things happen for the good of self, family, and community.

  • Hypnosis is a heightened state of focus,in which the conscious mind is in a relaxed state while the subconscious mind is best receptive to suggestions. People refer to hypnosis as a state where one can concentrate intensely while blocking out distractions.
  • What is hypnosis like?Imagine being comfortably sitting in a recliner in a completely relaxed state, as you listen to individualized suggestions that are specifically based on your goals. Many of my clients describe hypnosis and hypnotherapy as a mental massage.
  • Hypnosis does not involve mind control or sleep.You are in control at all times while in hypnosis. All your senses are awake and alert and you are aware of everything that is being said.
  • There are no pendulums!Hypnotherapy is very different from what you may have seen on a stage show. That kind of hypnosis is for entertainment and is completely different from therapeutic hypnosis, which is done as a way of creating positive change.

Hypnosis gives you the opportunity to make changes quickly and permanently. The use of hypnosis in a therapeutic setting is a modality approved by the medical community.

Copulating, according to the law of nature, is a beautiful behavior of humankind. Together with the male and female, they kept humanity from extinction five times. If either species discontinues copulating our species would vanish. So humankind’s responsibility is to have children. Either species cannot take precedence over the other, because that creates a ripple in the natural order of humans. Ultimately, our species begin to look for alternatives to achieve self-satisfaction no longer considers the natural order of humankind. Different sexual preferences is completely natural as long as the natual order of species is protected.

When applicable, clients are required to complete H.E.L.P. (Help Evaluation & Learning Program) designed to educate and evaluate offenders. Answered questions along with numerous comprehensive written exercises and offense-specific testing allows us an opportunity evaluate each individual. The combination of face-to-face counseling, reviewing material, and answers will determine us to understand their behavior for an accurate assessment. The results allow us to form a character profile, risk assessment, and truthfulness of the offender.

HELP provides an understanding of the offender’s actions, how it affects their lives, the community, and, more importantly, their loved ones. It teaches the law and the consequences, how much they risk, and how their offenses can become addictive. The primary objective is to educate and provide the offender with understanding how their personal and social pressures can trigger an incident. Emphasizing changing their behavior, taking control, is an essential step to becoming accountable for their actions.

Following the completion of the intake and assessment, clients begin counseling. Counseling focuses on each element of how they allowed themselves into profound situations and what they must do to modify and improve their life. Their counselor will evaluate material, testing, review their participation, attitude, personal issues, and if needed, recommend additional support services or counseling necessary for successful completion.

Ending their counseling phase, clients may have to begin a monitoring period to prove stability. This phase allows each offender to stay in contact/on track with their counselor while straightening their behavior and overcoming any obstacles with supervision. Monitoring is a critical phase of the program; it allows the offender to discuss real-time problems and or situations. This phase may vary due to the severity of the offense, participation, attitude during counseling, and at the request of Court, probation, and parole.

Completing the program, B.M.G. will provide a written report/assessment/certificate for each client to the Court, attorney, or probation/parole officer. Progress reports are also available upon request during each offender’s program. Any irregularities or deviations to the client’s schedule/activities will result in immediate notification to the Court.

Any client whose behavior extends beyond the standard program criteria, such as repeated offenders, requests of the Court, the severity of the crime, or if the offender’s psychological profile scores a high-risk, BMG will request extended counseling.

CBT can help you change your behavior and live a fulfilled life.

Family & Parenting

We offer a group and private sessions for our family & parenting programs.

Research in recent years has lead to a new awareness of the impact of families and parenting. It is a fact that our families influence us; we are continually discovering that the influence is beyond what we have ever imagined.

Family & Parenting

Research in recent years has lead to a new awareness of the impact of families and parenting. It is a fact that our families influence us; we are continually discovering that the influence is beyond what we have ever imagined. The family is a dynamic social system, with structured laws, components, and rules. The most important family rules are those that determine what it means to be a human being. These rules embrace the most fundamental beliefs about raising children. What parents believe about human life and human satisfaction rules their way of raising children.

The skills used while parenting forms a child’s beliefs about themselves. Nothing could be more important in child development. Children are any culture’s most significant natural resources. The future of the world depends on our children’s beginnings and how they see themselves. All their choices depend on the view of themselves that is feed on the family structure. That means, what is happening now, will affect the child/family for the rest of their life. The question is, how much do you love them? Therefore, your behavior must be modified to find the trust and encouragement to achieve the needed for love and commitment.

Online Interactive Counseling

Behavioral Management Group is proud of the relationship and reputation we have created over the last twenty-four years. To keep up with the demand for more interactive services and maintain the status, we are known for we developed a video therapeutic online counseling service that will accommodate the needs of the Court as well as the client.

Online Interactive Counseling

Treatment online offers an essential aspect of therapy “face-to-face interactive counseling.” Our face-to-face interactive counseling is via webcam/video conferencing. Webcam/video conference counseling allows the client to interact while seeing his/her therapist; seeing each other face to face is an essential part of counseling. Each can see the different expressions, just as if they are together in the same room. The excuses for transportation, traffic, childcare, employment, and affordability are gone. You save money because you do not leave home or the conveniences of your surroundings. All that is needed is a computer, iPod, Smart Phone with wifi access and simple instructions to sign on. Like all other programs, B.M.G. will as well provide:

  • Detailed Registration with photo
  • Offense-specific Face-to-Face Interactive Counseling
  • Education Manual and Material with Testing
  • Propensity Testing
  • Progress Reports (when needed)
  • Customized Evaluation and Assessment letters (when required)
  • Certificate of Completion
  • At the discretion of the Court, Drug/Alcohol and Sex offenders are accepted by B.M.G. for in-office
    counseling, unless given written permission to attend online services.

Behavioral Management Group is proud of the relationship and reputation we have created over the last twenty-four years. To keep up with the demand for more interactive services and maintain the status, we are known for we developed a video therapeutic online counseling service that will accommodate the needs of the Court as well as the client. Therefore, in addition to on-sight counseling, Behavioral Management is offering online counseling services both to the private sector and Court-mandated offenders. Online therapy is not trying to replace traditional treatment; it does accommodate millions of people

  1. not able to afford office visits or have the ability to travel
  2. it saves money compared to conventional therapy
  3. it allows therapists and clients to chat multiple times every day when necessary
  4. There is no need for a schedule change
  5. There is no commuting
  6. The client can easily take not, send, and receive text or photos.
  7. Clients can see the body language and vocal tone to communicate with a therapist effectively
  8. Sessions can be during a lunch hour

Client Feedback

Felt this Home Evaluation Learning Program was beneficial. It helps one understanding their self and understanding their mistakes in first time shoplifting. I still ask myself how this did happen; I always thought I was the right person. All I can say, it will never happen again. Reading the educational program while attending counseling has helped me learn and understand myself.
B.O./Adult Theft Offender
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